Athletes empower themselves and inspire each other at the 2024 All-Ireland Athlete Leadership Forum
The All-Ireland Athlete Leadership Forum brought 115 athletes from across the five Special Olympics Ireland regions together at the Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise on Saturday 21st September to learn new skills, improve their leadership capabilities, benefit from each other’s experiences, make new friends and connect with old ones.
The event’s theme was ‘Empower yourself, inspire others’, and both elements were very much in evidence. Athletes had the chance to learn first-aid skills and Fitness Captain training – empowering them to provide first-responder care, and to lead effective warmup sessions in a club environment, acting as role-models and trainers.
First Aid - First Responders
Many of our athletes received first responder training. They had to complete online training and tests and then went on to complete the practical element of the First Aid Training at the Leadership Forum where many gained their First Aid Certification. This was the first time our athletes were given the opportunity to learn how to become first aid responders. A skill that will be of huge benefit to their clubs, communities and families going forward!
Athlete Fitness Captains
We added a new structure to our Fitness Training programme for 2024, and we have been inspired by the enthusiasm and hard work our new group of athletes have put in so far
Fitness Captains on a sports team or in a club lead the team in activities related to fitness and healthy habits and aim to be positive role models for their teammates.
A total of 45 athletes attended 2 online sessions in the weeks before the Forum to learn about fitness, nutrition, hydration and sharing health tips. At the forum they took part in the activity sessions about leading warm-ups and cool-downs and making modifications which was all great fun. With their coaches support they will complete the final part of certification, which involves an assessment of them leading a session with their team or club.
We look forward to following our Fitness Captains in their new roles
Athlete Leadership
Classroom-based workshops were held which featured presentations and discussions around healthy habits and positive lifestyle practices, getting involved in a volunteering capacity, and the current and future direction of athlete leadership.
Athlete MC's
Throughout the event, athletes were centre-stage, playing vital roles. The Opening Address was introduced with style by athlete Andrew Byrne, while the Closing Address was delivered by Grace O’Brien, whose speech fit the occasion perfectly.
Learning from Experience, from learning as an athlete to Coaching and Leading other athletes.
One of the highlights of the event was a panel discussion featuring four exemplary athlete leaders. George Fitzgerald talked about his journey to become an assistant coach in floorball for the World Winter Games team, while Jackie Stewart focused on her regional volunteering and leading sessions with her local Young Athletes Club. Ashwin Maliyakal explored his internship with the IRFU, his development and experience in 14 years of Special Olympics Ireland involvement, and Margaret Turley talked about her journey to become one of the Sargent Shriver Global Messengers advocating for people with intellectual disabilities on a world stage, distilling her experience of athlete leadership: “"In Special Olympics, everyone belongs.....be yourself, it doesn't matter what you think you can do or what your role is- there's a place and a role for you in Special Olympics!"
Awards for Athlete Leaders
The Forum also honoured the achievements of five athletes awarded with Bronze and Gold leadership medals for amazing leadership efforts and achievements across their clubs and communities. Gary Burton, Matthew Davis and Moira Scott won bronze awards, while Andrew Byrne and Shona Connolly won gold.