
Three Special Olympics Ireland volunteers win Volunteers in Sport Awards

23 Mar 2023

Special Olympics Ireland is delighted to congratulate the winners of the Volunteers in Sports Awards 2022 for Co. Cork, Co. Sligo and Co. Fermanagh respectively: Collette Riordan, Kay Curley and Chloe Hamilton!

Collette Riordan trains the Special Olympics athletes at Muskerry AC.

In July of each year, she takes annual leave from her own job to run a full summer camp for the kids.

Collette travels the length and breadth of the country to support all of the athletes from the club.

In 2018, West Muskerry AC purchased its own training grounds for the first time, thanks to the fundraising done by Collette and a group of volunteers.

In 2022, a hall was built thanks to the constant work done by Collette giving the club a real sense of identity.

Kay Curley was instrumental in setting up the Shuttle Stars Special Olympics Badminton Club in 2004, building on her involvement with Sligo Tennis Club.

Together with a committed team of local volunteers, she trains the local Special Olympics athletes each week.

For the 2014 and 2018 Special Olympics Ireland Games, Kay travelled with the athletes as a coach/chaperone, giving up 4 days and nights to chaperone and support the athletes.

Chloe Hamilton of Erne Paddlers has been instrumental to the development of paddle sports in Northern Ireland, and was a leading figure in setting up Lakeland Special Olympics Club, which she coaches at.

The Volunteers in Sport Awards celebrate the contributions of the band of volunteers across the country who give their time to Irish sport and physical activity every year.

The efforts of volunteers like Collette, Kay and Chloe are the lifeblood of Special Olympics Ireland. We couldn't do what we do without them! 

If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, please visit this page.